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    Tuesday, October 12, 2010


    Virginia Divorce Lawyers

    Thanks for sharing this great information. Some of the items on the "wish list" ranged from practical knowledge, like proofreading and researching, to behavioral issues like dressing professionally and getting along with others in the firm. Some of the wishes seem to be common sense, but all too often paralegals get complacent, especially if they've worked for a firm for a long time. Take the time to look at the list and highlight some of the areas where you may be weak. Thanks again.

    Cynthia Minchillo

    I have been a paralegal in Texas for 23 years, and I took no offense to Kim Walker's article. In fact, I loved it and shared it around the office. My career has been great, and a lot of that is due to the great attorneys i have worked for. I wish more people followed those suggestions. I too also want to know who Alan Bail is??

    As far as attorneys, remember that we appreciate them and respect should be mutual.

    Thanks for the great article.

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