By Jaime Bochet
Of the Legal Staff
We at the Legal know how important pro bono work is, both for attorneys and for the communities they serve. We devote an entire publication to it every other year, as well as a page in the paper each month, working in collaboration with local public interest groups and bar associations.
If you've been thinking about getting involved but aren't sure how to begin, the Montogmery Bar Association has you covered. Wills for Heroes has scheduled an event this Saturday, March 26, for the Norristown Police Department at the Human Service Center in Norristown (1430 DeKalb St.). Several lawyers and paralegals are needed to help at this time.
Wills for Heroes is a pro bono program that provides free wills, living wills and financial powers of attorneys to first responders and their spouses/partners. At the conclusion of their one-hour appointments, first responders and their spouses/partners are able to leave with notarized, legal documents.
You do not need to practice trust and estate law to volunteer, and a mini-course will be offered from 9 to 11 a.m. that morning to familiarize you with all the information you'll need to know. Several lawyers well-versed in estate planning will also be on hand to answer questions that may arise. Following the training session for new volunteers, Wills for Heroes events typically run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more information, contact Lisa Shearman, Esq. by calling 215-576-1730 or e-mailing [email protected].
Jaime Bochet is the Magazines & Supplements Editor for The Legal Intelligencer. Follow her on Twitter at!/JaimeBochetTLI or e-mail [email protected].