By Jaime Bochet
Of the Legal Staff
If you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the homepage of The Legal, you'll see a section marked "Online Only." This is an area that we're going to be building up in the future months, but first we want to make sure you know what it is!
The Online Only section is comprised of packages of stories that have appeared in the paper about a common topic. There's one, for example, that includes all of our coverage of the Marcellus Shale play called "The Big Play," and another called "Firm Footprints," dedicated to stories our staff has written about firm office openings (including Saul Ewing's recent foray into the Boston legal market). Past packages dealt with law firm financial reports and the Luzerne County scandal.
The idea is to take these trend stories and condense them into an easily accessible package so that with one click, you can see all of the content at once. As for the name -- you can only find these trend-related packages online!
The reason I'm directing your attention there today is because there is a brand-new Online-Only package for you to check out. We called it "Mega-Verdicts: Eight Figures and Up," and those are exactly the stories you'll find included there: verdicts and settlements of $10 million and over. These are the biggest numbers that we have written about since the beginning of the year, ranging from the May 25 $10 million Motrin award to the $177 million oil-spill defense verdict we reported on in April.
We hope that you'll take a look, and if you have ideas of your own for trend-related Online Only packages, let me know!
Jaime Bochet is the Magazines & Supplements Editor for The Legal. Follow her on Twitter at @JaimeBochetTLI or e-mail [email protected].