By Jaime Bochet
Of the Legal Staff
In just a few short weeks, the nation will commemorate the 10th anniversary of one of the darkest days in our recent history: September 11, 2001.
Many will mourn, many will question what has changed since that day, and many will wonder what the future still holds. One thing is for sure: everyone will look back and remember where they were that day.
We at The Legal want to put together a very special issue in remembrance of Sept. 11, and we are asking you to be a part of it. Our question is simple: "Where were you?"
We want you to tell us your story, whatever it might be. Were you in law school? Were you scheduled for a deposition that was canceled? Were you preparing for trial, or working on a big deal? Were you home sick that day, or bringing your child to school?
How did you hear the news, and what did your colleagues and your employer do in response?
Who did you call or speak to first? Was anyone that you know directly impacted by the attacks? Were you?
And finally, 10 years later, what has changed, either in your own personal or professional life, or on a broader scale? What do you take away from that day, 10 years later?
We will gather all of your responses into a special package that will appear in print and online on Friday, Sept. 9. To submit your story, send me an e-mail at [email protected]. The deadline for story submissions is Monday, Sept. 5.
Jaime Bochet is the Magazines & Supplements Editor for The Legal. Follow her on Twitter at @JaimeBochetTLI or e-mail [email protected].
Many will wonder what has changed since that day, and many wonder what the future holds.
Posted by: לפרטים נוספים | Thursday, November 24, 2011 at 11:46 AM
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Posted by: משרד עורכי דין דיני עבודה רוזנלבט ושות' | Wednesday, November 23, 2011 at 05:11 AM