By Ben Seal
Of the Legal Staff
As you may know, we at The Legal Intelligencer are putting together our upcoming Pro Bono supplement. A big part of that is our “Unsung Heroes” section, in which we spotlight some of the great work being done by those who deserve some special recognition.
We would like each firm to nominate either one person or one group of persons for work done in the last two years (Jan. 1, 2010 to Dec. 31, 2011). Please highlight one matter or area of work that helped define the person’s or group’s contributions. There is no formal nomination form, but we will need the names of those involved, the case or issue at hand and a short summary of the work that was done. Please limit the summary to 300 words or less.
For example, the nomination could be for Bill Smith of Smith & Smith, who worked on the pro bono case of X v. Y, which settled on Feb. 15, 2011, followed by the summary. If a group is being nominated, each person’s name should be listed.
Please submit your nomination, along with a photo of the nominee(s), by close of business this Friday, Jan. 27. The editorial staff of The Legal will evaluate each nomination and select those to be named to the list of Unsung Heroes. The list will be published in the supplement on Tuesday, March 13.
Submit nominations to me at [email protected]. If you have any questions, please e-mail me or call me at 215-557-2368.