By Jaime Bochet
Of the Legal Staff
Welcome to your daily round-up of stories in today's edition of The Legal Intelligencer. Click the links below to access stories directly, or head to The Legal homepage. (Some stories may require registration or a paid subscription.)
As is the case every Tuesday, today's paper is especially full, because it includes our Pennsylvania Law Weekly section, which includes analysis pieces, our Verdicts & Settlements section, and contributed columns by Samuel Stretton (Ethics), Robert M. Bovarnick (Politics), Jim Malone (Taxation) and Cliff Rieders (Civil Practice).
But let's begin with The Legal.
Topping today's front page, U.S. Courthouse Correspondent Shannon P. Duffy has an analysis of last week’s decision from the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that ordered a new sentencing for former state Sen. Vincent J. Fumo. The decision is sure to be mined by prosecutors and defense lawyers for the guidance it provides on how to conduct sentencings in complicated white-collar crime cases.
Below the fold, senior staff reporter Gina Passarella has the fourth in her weekly series examining the impact of e-discovery on the practice and business of law. This week, she writes that the list of judges who are at the forefront of e-discovery case law roll off the tongues of e-discovery lawyers like Con-law professors can spout the intricacies of the Bill of Rights. To read all the previous parts in this series, as well as related content, click here.
Inside, in our Page 3 Regional News section, Gina adds yet another chapter in the Wolf Block saga. The defunct law firm has filed an appeal with the state's Superior Court related to a discovery dispute in the legal malpractice case filed against the firm by car dealership owner Alan Potamkin.
As always, our People in the News section is on Page 2, along with a Letter to the Editor today from Astor Weiss attorney Jerrold Moss regarding one of Sam Stretton's recent Ethics columns. The top stories from our sister publications across the country make up the Page 4 National News section.
The Legal's contributed columns today include an "Asset Management" column by David B. Bruckman of Citrin Cooperman Wealth Management, who wonders if purchasing life insurance on adult children is prudent.
Our second contributed article is a Commentary by Richard Q. Hark of Hark & Hark, who writes that amendments to Pennsylvania's law change the self-defense landscape.
Today's Pennsylvania Law Weekly section begins with an analysis piece by reporter Ben Present, who writes that after hearing that Lackawanna County Common Pleas Court Judge Terrence R. Nealon sent a private e-mail in 2004 advising his fellow Democrats how to oppose a county voting redistricting plan -- a case over which he was presiding — "shocked" courtwatchers statewide reacted to a practice they said was "a thing of the past" -- ex parte communications.
Also on the PLW front page, we have another analysis piece by reporter Zack Needles. Now that former Luzerne County Common Pleas Court Judge Mark A. Ciavarella is serving a nearly three-decade term in federal prison for his part in the county's judicial scandal, all eyes have turned to his alleged co-conspirator and fellow former Luzerne County Judge Michael T. Conahan, whose sentencing hearing is set for Sept. 23.
The PLW has much more, so head to the main website of that section to check out even more.
Have questions or comments about any of today's stories, or our coverage as a whole? E-mail me or any of the reporters directly. We hope you'll enjoy today's Legal and PLW!
Jaime Bochet is the Magazines & Supplements Editor for The Legal. Follow her on Twitter at @JaimeBochetTLI or e-mail [email protected].
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